Procedures and equipment large climatic chamber small climatic chamber Bacteria culture PCR RT-PCR Serology    IF-Tests    ELISA-Tests    Blot-procedure Conventional Methods Molecular-genetic highly specific  qualitative and quantitative recognition of  pathogenic fungi and bacteria.   Employing specific sera, fungicidal and  primarily bacterial pathogens may be  detected in plant samples or identified  after isolation. Here, not only the  specificity but also the sensitivity of the  detection have priority. The use of special and highly specific  nutrient media allows a fast and safe  detection of various pathogens. The  advantage of this method compared to  the molecular-genetic procedures lies in  the differentiation between living and  dead pathogens and in the finding of  fungicidal and bacterial pathogens  present in small concentrations.   At the occurrence of special phyto-  pathological questions, various  procedures will be combined but also new  approaches will be worked out. Most  problems can be solved with the  equipment available.  Greenhouses and Test fields Climatic chambers Bacteria Collection Fungi Collection For epidemiological investigations,  resistance tests and screening of  new active ingredients, greenhouses  and testfields are at our disposal.  For the execution of tests under  standardized conditions, in vitro   reproductions of cultivated plants  and effectiveness tests of  pesticides.     Provision of more than 3.000 phyto-  pathogenic bacterial strains and  fungicidal isolates of almost all  cultivated plants for scientific  purposes. Execution of resistance  tests and epidemiological  investigations with authentic  bacteria and fungicidal strains.